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Uphill Travel at Vermont Ski Areas

Early Morning Skin at Sugarbush Resort
Late Morning Views of the Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains from Timberline at Bolton Valley Resort
Smiles from the Skin Track on the Timberline side of Bolton Valley Resort

Uphill Travel Protocol and Etiquette

Ski touring has become increasingly popular, and many of Vermont's ski areas have implemented uphill travel policies to promote safety. As an uphill traveler, you are a guest of the ski area or resort, acknowledge the associated inherent risks and are subject to their terms and conditions of use.

  1. Read, understand, and follow your destination ski area’s uphill travel policy.

  2. Plan ahead and procure any required pass or ticket.

  3. Be prepared for changing mountain weather conditions. Summit temperatures and conditions are often different from base area conditions.

  4. Wear bright-colored or reflective clothing and use a headlamp in low light conditions to ensure your visibility. Use equipment with brakes or leashes.

  5. Bring a fully charged cell phone and be aware that service on the mountain may not be available or reliable.

  6. Travel with others or make someone else aware of your travel plan and expected return time.

  7. Follow designated uphill and downhill routes and do not access closed terrain.

  8. Keep to the side of the trail.

  9. Be aware of ski area operations, equipment and downhill traffic.

  10. Stay clear of all mountain operations and equipment and follow directives from mountain staff.

Please be sure to check the uphill travel policy at the individual resort you plan to visit using the links below or accessing their website.

Please make sure to check the uphill travel policy at the individual resort you plan to visit using the links below.

Click here for Bolton Valley's Uphill Policy.

All uphill travelers need either a NBU (Nordic/Backcountry/Uphill) ticket or season pass or an All-Terrain ticket or season pass to access our “open” trails AT ALL TIMES, regardless of whether the lifts are spinning or the ticket window is open. Please purchase online and if you need a BV MTN (RFID) Card you can print it at the kiosk on the deli deck or by the ticket booth – no need to stand in line at a window. Already have a card? Reload online to the WTP # printed on it and save $5.

Visit to purchase your tickets, uphill access status and trail report.

Click here for Bromley's Uphill Policy.

Before traveling uphill, you must obtain an uphill access season pass from the Bromley ticket office. The office staff will review the uphill policy with you and obtain your signature acknowledging compliance with Bromley’s uphill travel policy. The fee for the uphill pass is $20 per season if you do not own a season pass. If you own a season pass, the uphill pass is free. The pass must be worn on your arm while you are skinning up the mountain.

Uphill travel is permitted only from dawn until dusk provided it us conducted in compliance with the conditions in this policy. After dusk, use of the mountain is strictly off-limits and is considered trespassing. Bromley’s night security personnel will take note of all vehicle Information for people attempting to access the trails from dusk to dawn. This is in recognition of the real danger of skiing in poor lighting conditions and on trails with ongoing grooming and snowmaking. Bromley reserves the right to limit or restrict uphill access as conditions, terrain, or weather warrant. Dogs are not permitted. Please note, this is a recent revision to the policy, effective immediately, and due to misuse of our prior allowance of dogs as long as they were kept leashed and by your side.

Please visit for designated uphill travel routes, trail status, and ticket information.

Click here for Burke's Uphill Travel Policy.

Burke Mountain embraces the adventure spirit and currently allows for uphill travel outside of operating hours. We just ask that you follow these simple rules outlined below. 

Any trail with active snowmaking or grooming operations in progress is CLOSED to all uphill and downhill travel.

  • Sign acknowledgement of risk agreement: CLICK HERE.  
  • Coming will need to obtain an uphill travel pass and identifying ticket/armband at Guest Services (located in Sherburne base lodge).  We will notify all parties who have signed the waiver once the armbands are in.  There will be a one-time fee (TBD).  
  • No dogs allowed during operational hours. 
  • Anyone travelling uphill is required to wear snowshoes or touring skis/split boards with metal edges and brakes or restraint straps. 
  • Please use wilderness etiquette: remove all waste and leave only tracks. 
  • Ski in a single file line on the side of designated trail. 
  • Always stay on the designated uphill travel routes. 
  • All uphill travelers must only access ski terrain opened by patrol.

There are 3 designated uphill routes at Burke Mountain Resort. Please visit for details on where, when, and how you should travel uphill. 

Click Here for Jay Peak's Uphill Policy.

Jay Peak Resort allows skinning, snowshoeing, and hiking during operating hours on designated Uphill Travel Routes on open terrain. All uphill guests and season passholders must sign the waivers below to access the designated routes up the moutain. Uphill Travel Season Passes free for season passholders, but you must stop in at Customer Service on Tramside to collect your identifying arm band and sign an acknowledgement of risk agreement. For non-season passholders, Uphill Travel Passes are $50 for the 2022-23 Season. They can be purchased online here. Dogs are NOT allowed.

Visit for all Uphill Travel Info.


Step 1: Watch the Uphill Travel Etiquette video to learn about key uphill travel safety information.


Step 2: Read the important uphill travel safety and policy information below.

Step 3: Click here to process your uphill travel pass online.

Step 4: Go to any ticket window with the confirmation you will receive by email to pick up your Uphill Travel Pass (armband)

Please visit for uphill travel passes and policies. 

Uphill travel routes will be made available at both Killington and Pico during the winter season as conditions permit. We will open uphill travel routes in line with our ability to effectively manage and operate all functions within the entire resort, including but not limited to snowmaking, trail grooming, equipment maintenance, snow removal, etc.

Check for the current status of uphill travel routes. 

Click here for Mad River Glen's Uphill Policy.

Uphill travel is permitted at Mad River Glen under the following guidelines. You are required to use proper touring equipment for on snow travel (Skins/Snowshoes). No POST-HOLING. Dogs are prohibited during the winter months. 

During Hours of Lift Operations:  Uphill travel is permitted for MAD RIVER GLEN COOPERATIVE SHAREHOLDERS and MAD RIVER GLEN PASSHOLDERS (A Mad Card is not considered a season pass) to the top of the Sunnyside Double Chair only unless otherwise indicated on the Snow Report. Uphill travel during operational hours is restricted to skins and skis only and you must obey all trail closures. You must be a SHAREHOLDER OR MRG PASSHOLDER (Your pass must be valid on the day you plan to skin) to skin during operational hours. During the hours of lift operations all uphill skiers must read and sign the Uphill Pass Agreement and obtain an Uphill Travel Pass (no charge). The Uphill Travel Pass is available in the Ticket Office at Mad River Glen. You must carry the Uphill Travel Pass with you while skinning during operational hours. Uphill travel during operational hours to the top of the Double Chair is limited to a defined route as determined by Mad River Glen Cooperative Management. The uphill route will be designated on the Daily Snow Report.   Skiers may descend any open trail.

Pre and Post Ski Season:  Uphill travel is permitted at any time unless otherwise indicated on the Snow Report. You must obey all trail closures.

During the Ski Season before lift opening (9am weekdays, 8:30 weekends & holidays): Uphill travel is permitted unless otherwise indicated on the Snow Report. You must leave the base area at least 45 minutes before scheduled lift operations. You must begin your descent by the time lifts are scheduled to open. You must obey all trail closures.  

During the Ski Season after lifts close (between 3:30 and 4 depending on time of year): Uphill travel is permitted unless otherwise indicated on the Snow Report. You must wait for the lifts to close before leaving the base area. You must obey all trail closures.

Please visit for all Uphill Travel details.

Magic has an uphill skiing policy which allows open access to the mountain once  our ski season begins on days the mountain is not typically running lifts (usually Monday-Wednesday non-holidays). The only exception being on official “powder day” openings where Magic receives 6” or more of new snow that uphill traffic may not access the mountain until the lift spins at 9am, along with the ticket-paying skiing public. As uphill travelers do not purchase a ticket to access the mountain either when open or closed, uphillers take complete and sole responsibility for their activity on the mountain and all risks associated with such voluntary activity and hold harmless Magic Mountain, Ski Magic LLC, its employees and investors from any loss or injury while on Magic’s property.

When Magic’s lifts are operating, uphillers must reserve a ticket online in advance through the Magic website ticket store so as to be included in VT state contact tracing database and to attest to the fact that the uphiller is obeying any cross-state travel quarantine restrictions. Once a ticket is reserved in advance under “Uphill Alpine Touring” (free), then on that ski day the uphiller must go to the ticket office first to receive and put on their free uphill ticket which also has the skier assumption of risk on the ticket.

Dogs are not allowed. 

Uphill travel route and other information can be found at

All Uphill travel skiers and riders must sign the uphill travel policy and turn the form in to the Snow Bowl ticket office prior to using the uphill trails. 

  • day ticket , uphill season pass or downhill season pass required
  • be aware of operations occurring on the mountain, including but not limited to snowmobile and groomer traffic
  • use designated route following “UPHILL” signs up lower Voter to top of Sheehan or top of Worth Mt.
  • know and adhere to the Skier’s Responsibility Code
  • keep to the side of the trails in single file but be visible-downhill traffic has the right of way
  • stay within ski area boundaries when descending
  • pets are prohibited
  • ski patrol services are available only during normal operating hours
  • Snow Bowl management reserves the right to close the mountain to uphill traffic as needed
  • use of the mountain is done AT YOUR OWN RISK!
  • stay off trails being groomed or where snow is being made
  • hike on a group of 3 or more
  • bring a cell phone and where a headlamp and reflective clothing after dark
  • know your location at all times including trail names

Visit for all details.

Click here for Mount Snow's Uphill policy. You'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the page, or read the information below.

Mount Snow Resort, the State of Vermont and the United States Forest Service encourage outdoor recreation and the use of public lands. One manner in which the public may enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains is by skinning or hiking. While enjoying these permitted lands, you much abide by Mount Snow Resort and USFS rules, restrictions and recommendations, including those summarized below.

Uphill activities may present a high danger of personal injury. Uphill users of Mount Snow assume all risks. The ski area is not maintained for uphill access and trails are not patrolled outside of normal ski area operating hours. Motorized vehicles, snowmaking and other ski area operations may be encountered.

Early and late season operations to prepare/maintain the slopes and trails make it unsafe for the public and even impassable at times for skiers or hikers. For safety reasons, public uphill access is restricted or will not be allowed during mountain preparation/early season snowmaking, and after Mount Snow closes in the spring due to inconsistent and potentially unstable conditions. Mount Snow will open the trails designated for uphill access when seasonal operations are complete and the trails have been opened to the public. When closures are in place, only authorized personnel are permitted in the area.

The designated route for travel both uphill and downhill is Canyon to High Traverse to Cascade, which extends from the base of the Canyon Express (Lift 9) to the summit. Other than these trails, all trails are closed and inaccessible to uphill travel. When winch work is to be performed on Cascade pitch, route will be altered to Lower Exhibition to Lodge only at night. Uphill night travel needs to reference our information hotline for nighttime snow cat operations.

Uphill travel is permitted during operating hours but only on the designated route day and night.  

Following are a few guidelines for uphill travel:

  • Uphill travelling must not impede or obstruct ski area operations at any time.
  • Uphill access may be restricted on certain days at the discretion of Mount Snow leadership.
  • Pets are not authorized to travel with uphill users at Mount Snow.
  • Guests accessing the mountain are prohibited from loading any lift on the mountain without a valid pass or lift ticket.
  • Ascend the skier's right side of the trail (skinner's left). When more than one person is ascending, proceed single file.
  • It is the uphill traveler responsibility to make themselves visible to other traffic on the hill. Wear reflective clothing and consider wearing a headlamp when it’s dark or twilight.
  • Follow Your Responsibility Code.
  • Obey all signage and closures.
  • Guests engaging in uphill travel are responsible for knowing locations of closed terrain and trails, snowmaking, events or other operations in progress by reading the daily Snow Report on
  • Prior to heading uphill, call the hotline to confirm uphill travel is permitted: 802-339-8474.

Failure to abide by these terms may result in the loss of your pass privileges and/or additional consequences.


Uphill Access parking is in any available lot and is subject to parking policies and applicable fees. Parking is free after 1 p.m.

The program is subject to change based on operational changes and needs. Sledding and mountain bikes are not permitted on Mount Snow alpine trails at any time.

For any information about skinning or hiking, or for trail recommendations, please call 802-339-8474.

Click here for Mount Snow's Uphill policy. You'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the page, or read the information below.

Okemo and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation encourage the use of public lands. Our goal is for visitors to do so while maintaining our commitment to safety and the guest experience here at Okemo.

Okemo understands the desire of winter enthusiasts to hike, ski, and snowshoe. Grooming, snowmaking and other operations take place 24 hours a day throughout the resort. Skiers and riders must understand that they may put themselves at great risk by being on the mountain while these operations are in progress. It is the visitor’s responsibility to confirm what designated routes are open by calling the UPHILL TRAVEL HOTLINE (802) 228-1491

Uphill access is only permitted outside of resort operating hours and may not begin until 30 minutes following closure of the last lift of the day.  All uphill users must begin their return to the base no later than 15 minutes prior to opening of the first lift of the day. Approved uphill and downhill routes are: Mountain Road, Lower Arrow, Upper Arrow, Sapphire.  Nor’Easter, Lower World Cup, Rimrock, Countdown. Suncatcher, Dream Weaver. Southern Crossing, Daybreak, Village Run. Inn Bound, Fast Track, Tuckered Out. For route closures and changes, consult Okemo’s Uphill Travel Hotline. Access to lifts and terrain parks is reserved for ticket holders, and we ask that all guests adhere to the skier responsibility code.

Use of resort terrain during non-operational hours is done so at your own risk. To help minimize the risks to you and to our staff, we provide the following guidelines:

  • Outside of operating hours, grooming, snowmaking, snowmobiles, and other operations may occur at any time or at almost any place on the mountain.
  • Wear bright and reflective clothing and use a bright light at night.
  • Avoid trails that have been recently groomed or have grooming in progress.
  • Avoid trails with active snowmaking and never ski or ride over snowmaking hoses, as it puts our system and you at risk.
  • Entering closed terrain is prohibited; it is the user’s responsibility to know what is open or closed. Terrain parks are closed outside of normal operating hours.
  • New for the 2020/21 ski season, pets are NOT authorized to travel with uphill users of the mountain.
  • Foot travel and snowshoeing is permitted during operating hours, but shall be limited to beginner and intermediate terrain, consult the uphill travel hotline for route closures.
  • Never ski or ride alone. Be prepared for changes in weather. Snow conditions at night can be much different than daytime conditions.
  • Ski patrol is not available after resort operating hours. Any emergency response will be significantly delayed and will be handled by outside agencies.

Please make sure to visit or call (802) 228-1491 before traveling uphill at Okemo. 

Click here for Pico's Uphill travel info

Winter uphill travel by means of skinning and snowshoeing is becoming increasingly popular.  Killington Ski Resort and Pico Mountain at Killington welcome winter uphill travel enthusiasts. In order to help provide an enjoyable and orderly experience for both uphill and downhill guests on a 24/7 basis, all uphill travelers are required to follow resort rules, including the best practices outlined below.

  • All uphill travelers are required to have an Uphill Travel Pass with photo ID and must sign a Winter Uphill Travel Express Assumption of Risk Form before accessing open and designated uphill routes at Killington and Pico. Signature of an Express Assumption of Risk Form by parent or legal guardian is required for minor children ages 17 and under. A new Uphill Travel Pass and completed Winter Uphill Travel Express Assumption of Risk Form is required each season.
  • Passes must be carried by all uphill travelers at all times whenever they utilize uphill routes on resort property, during both operating and non-operating hours. Please be prepared to present your pass to resort personnel upon request.
  • There is no charge for an Uphill Travel Pass for anyone who has already purchased a current season Killington or Pico Winter Season Pass. Uphill Travel Passes are available at the Killington and Pico Season Pass offices during operating hours.
  • For those who haven’t purchased a current season Killington or Pico Winter season pass, an Uphill Travel Pass can be purchased for $35. Uphill Travel Passes may be used at both Killington Resort and Pico Mountain.
  • An Uphill Travel Pass DOES NOT provide lift access either up or down the mountain.

Visit for uphill travel routes and updates.

 In response to a growing segment of the winter sports community, the Quechee Ski area has developed the following policy towards Uphill skinning and travel in general. Uphill skiing when the ski area is open can be very dangerous.  Please use extreme caution and follow the designated uphill route keeping to the very edge of the groomed trail.

Passes are free for QLLA members.
Non-members: $50 per season pass; $5 per day pass

We do ask that all participants be aware of and follow the rules outlined on the Uphill Travel section of the Quechee Club Website so everyone remains safe.

Uphill Access Policy
Like all resorts across the ski industry, we are expecting significantly greater demand for uphill access this winter. At Smugglers’, we’re always happy to see people out enjoying the mountain when it is safe to do so.

Uphill Travel routes are posted to the daily Snow Report by 4:00 pm for that night and the following morning. When available, nighttime access will be from 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm, and morning access from 5:30 am to 7:30 am. Morning users must be off the hill by 8:00 am.

The following rules apply to uphill access users:

  • Anyone participating in uphill travel or reaping the benefits thereof, do so at their own risk and assume all liability for their use of the mountain.
  • Please be aware that there are no Resort emergency services available during these times: 4:45 pm - 8:00 am. Call 911 in case of an emergency.
  • Please be aware and respectful of snowmobile and snowcat activity present on the trails throughout these time periods.
  • Please avoid trails with snowmaking or grooming operations underway. Utilize the routes identified for access on the daily snow report. If you do encounter a groomer or snowmobile, please step off the side of the trail until they have passed. This is especially important at night when the snowcat operator’s field of vision is constrained.
  • Robin’s Run, Freefall, Madonna Liftline (above Link), and all closed trails are off-limits as descent routes at all times.
  • Do not approach winch cat operations under any circumstances. They can have over 2500’ of high-tension cable strung out that is impossible to see and very dangerous to be around. These areas are OFF-LIMITS!
  • Always wear reflective clothing and use a headlamp.
  • Uphill access is not allowed during lift operating hours. Those hours are 8:00 am - 4:30 pm. You must be off the hill by 8:00 am.
  • No dogs, cats, potbellied pigs, or other pets allowed. Sloths are cute and all, but again, leave them at home.
  • If you pack it in, please pack it out. Don’t leave litter behind.
  • Parking is available in Lot 3 ONLY. Please don’t park at the Base Lodge, Lot 1, or the Patrol Chalet.
  • Do not plan on using mountaintop warming huts during the pandemic. Ski Patrol has to populate these facilities early in the morning and these buildings are not open to the public.
  • Smugglers’ Notch employees may monitor your behavior in the name of safety and compliance. Failure to abide by the guidelines may be grounds for revocation of Resort access privileges.

Please check for Uphill Travel updates.

Stowe Mountain Resort and the State of Vermont support outdoor recreation and the public use of State Forests. One manner in which the public may enjoy the natural beauty of the mountains is by skinning or hiking. Because outdoor enthusiasts choose to use our trails outside of our recreational business hours, when trail maintenance and other operations take place on our alpine trails, we present the following Uphill Access Program that is expected to be followed at your own risk.

Currently, uphill access is ONLY allowed on Perry Merrill (4:30PM until Midnight) and Crossover to North Slope to Lord to Upper Lord (Midnight to 7:30AM weekdays, 7:00AM Sat. Sun. Holidays). Parking for ALL uphill is at Midway Lot. This information is not updated regularly. Please check Uphill Travel Status at

In-Season Uphill Traffic Policy

  • Uphill experience: We know how special the uphill experience is to many in our local communities. We will continue to permit uphill access with some new safety protocols put in place to minimize incidents. We anticipate a larger interest in uphill this season and we have adjusted our policies in order to safely manage demand as we also prioritize managing demand for daily operations.
  • Safety mindset: Our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable ski and ride experience to our guests amid COVID-19, which means focusing our resources first and foremost on our mountain operations. While we are pleased to offer uphill access at our resorts, we ask that those who want to partake in that experience, please follow the new protocols that were designed to safely manage demand this season.
  • Hours: Uphill access will only be permitted outside of lift operating hours. Access can begin 30 minutes after the last lift closure. In the morning prior to operating hours, all users must begin returning to the base no later than 15 minutes prior to the first lift opening.
  • Designated routes: Perry Merrill (4:30PM until Midnight). Crossover to North Slope to Lord to Upper Lord (Midnight to 7:30AM weekdays, 7:00AM Sat. Sun. Holidays)
  • Pets: Pets are not allowed on mountain at Vail Resorts properties. We will not allow pets at any time, which includes during uphill access and normal operating hours. This allows for increased safety, especially outside of normal resort operating hours when snowmobiles and snowcats are present to prepare and maintain the mountain. While this restriction on pets has been in place at some resorts and is a new policy in others, has been put in place across our company to protect all employees and guests, including the pets themselves.
  • Tips: All uphill users must stay off closed trails, obey signage and follow direction from resort employees. We also ask you to wear reflective clothing and make yourself visible to snowmobiles and snowcats by using a flashlight or headlamp.
  • NOTE: Due to the State of Vermont's closure of the Stone Hut for the season, bathroom access at the top of the Four Runner Quad will not be open when the lift is closed for the day.

Information on downhill travel and parking for Uphill access can be found at

Winter uphill travel is a wonderful way to experience the beauty of Stratton Mountain as well as the surrounding Green Mountains of Southern Vermont. Stratton Mountain is committed to providing an enjoyable and orderly experience for both uphill and downhill guests on the resort.

All uphill travelers will be required to obtain an uphill travel pass and carry it on their person at all times and be prepared to present the pass to area personnel upon request. The pass is free, valid for the entire season and can be picked up at Guest Services at the Main Base Lodge. You must read and agree to the uphill travel rules before accessing designated uphill routes. The uphill pass does not include any equipment rentals. You do not need to reserve an uphill pass in advance. Uphill travel is only recommended during daytime operating hours, and may close at any time due to snow conditions, weather or other unforeseen circumstances.

Please visit our online trail map or pick up a map at Guest Services as Stratton has designated uphill travel trails. Trails marked with a purple dotted line are the only trails where hiking is permitted. Depending on your pace and where you plan to descend, a round trip may take 2-4 hours on average. Please plan accordingly with daylight and temperatures.

Please make sure to check for designated Uphill travel routes.

All uphill travelers must obtain an Uphill Travel Pass online by submitting the agreement form at the bottom of this page. They must also understand the Winter Trail Use Policy and follow the restrictions and recommendations for trail use and uphill access to Sugarbush Resort.

Please check the snow report for the most current hours of operations and route status.

Hiking or skinning on designated trails at both Lincoln Peak and Mt. Ellen is not permitted before the mountains open for the winter season, nor is hiking or skinning permitted during the operating hours of the resort.

*Due to COVID-19, all on-mountain buildings including mid-mountain lodges, ski patrol shacks, and lift tracks are off limits during uphill travel hours. There will be no on-mountain bathroom access so please plan accordingly.

Please visit to check uphill travel routes and conditions.

Winter uphill travel by means of skinning and snowshoeing is becoming increasingly popular.  We welcome winter uphill travel enthusiasts. In order to help provide an enjoyable and orderly experience for both uphill and downhill guests on a 24/7 basis, all uphill travelers are required to follow resort rules, including the best practices outlined below. Our $59 Uphill Travel Season Pass allows you access to our uphill travel routes and trails all winter, within and outside of operating hours (uphill access is included with the purchase of a Saskadena Six Season Pass). 

The Vermont Department of Forest, Parks and Recreation and the National Forest Service acknowledge that ski resort operators have the ability to decide and define how ski trails and facilities can be operated, accessed and utilized. The land at Saskadena Six is privately owned.

All uphill travel is at your own risk. Saskadena Six and the Woodstock Inn & Resort assume no responsibility for the safety of, or injury, death or damages to skiers or riders. All uphill travelers must adhere to rules and stay on designated routes, clearly posted at the mountain. Our $59 Uphill Travel Season Pass allows you access to our uphill travel routes and trails all winter, within and outside of operating hours (uphill access is included with the purchase of a Saskadena Six Season Pass). 

New to Uphill Travel? Take an Uphill Lesson to get oriented with new equipment, learn tricks, and best practices for navigating while skinning. 


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